Personally, Jennifer was affected by TT when she gave birth to a tongue-tied baby some 22 years ago and experienced immediate relief after a frenotomy. However, one of the greatest experiences in Jennifer’s tongue-tie education was when she met IATP Founding Member Betty Coryllos after identifying Betty’s grandson as being tongue-tied. Fortunately, Jennifer had all the right answers to Betty’s questions and was invited back to Betty’s son’s South Florida home to assist Betty with the frenotomy.
As an IBCLC in private practice, Jennifer advocates for breastfeeding mothers using a multi-disciplinary approach working with dental and medical professionals as well as several types of bodyworkers to assist post-release breastfeeding infants with maximizing their breastfeeding ability.
Jennifer has been privileged to attend each of IATP Summits, which has increased her tongue- tie knowledge exponentially. Jennifer is excited to be a part of such a hardworking team of board members functioning in the position of Treasurer.